Monday, September 1, 2008

New Favorite...

I had the pleasure of meeting up with my good friend, Becky, from high school last weekend for a real treat...a child-free morning consisting of a manicure in Prairie Village and brunch at the Classic Cookie in Brookside. Great conversation, relaxation, and a fabulous meal. Becky also graciously gave me this great lip gloss. Now, I'm no high maintenance gal who is really into make-up, hair products, mani's and pedi's (although the mani's and pedi's are nice), but this lipgloss is by far, a new favorite of mine. It's from Model Co. and called Lip Lights (Sienna sunset) It has a clever little mirror on the side (so you can apply on the go) and even better, the cap lights up when you open so you can see to apply in the dark. So cool. I get excited about the little things too...Thanks Bec! :)

1 comment:

GretaLouise and JackBoyer said...

Awe! You are welcome! I put mine on in the dark....just because I could! I had such a great time with you - we must make it a more frequent occasion!
OXO, bec