Thursday, February 28, 2008

Grandparents are the BEST!!!

Here's another recent article my father wrote....this time about the adventures of having grandkids visiting. I thought it was pretty funny. After running the article, the corporate office of Snip N Clip called to ask for a copy of the picture to use in their corporate newsletter. Nicholas' is such a little celebrity. Anyone know of any good agents? He already has a good stylist. hehe! :)

Better late than never....

I seem to always be behind in getting video off of the camera...I finally have. We didn't get any video the day Katherine was born like we did with the boys. Too fast and too dramatic of a delivery...she's already showing the signs of being a third child, huh?

Here are a couple of videos from vacation last summer in North Carolina (7 months ago) and from Nick's big 1st Birthday Party.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Kazmaier Family Time

Brother-in-law, Jim, is in town for a visit from New Hampshire...unfortunately his wife, Tara, couldn't make it as her grandmother (whom she is very close to) is not doing well healthwise. We spent Saturday in Olathe watching neice, Alli, play her final basketball game of the season then went over to sister-in-law, Glenda's house. We celebrated birthdays (Jeff, Glenda, Jim and Audrey) last night at our house. It's not as often anymore that we can all get together. With children and other obligations, it make it more and more difficult to coordinate schedules. With Jim in town, it was easy to drop everything and spend some good quality family time together.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Painting, painting and more painting.

So I admit my energy level is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY up there...compared to the last six weeks of my pregnancy (in which it took great effort to do anything physical). So I decided to paint the living room one evening after the kids were asleep, then it turned into the foyer, upstairs hallway, downstairs bathroom, the boys bathroom, the kitchen and finally the dining room/toyroom (a work in progress). A lot of late nights...while Jason XBOX'd. I must be addicted to paint fumes. In all reality, it was necessary as the previous owners were pretty hard on the walls and we needed a washable paint surface (with three grimey kiddos) I think I'm finished.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Another (little) bump in the road...

It's been a roller coaster ride with our family and Katherine's health in the three short weeks she's been with us. We took her to her Pediatrician, Dr. Lively, last Thursday (Valentine's Day) because of some congestion and a cough only to be told I had to either take her straight to Liberty Hosptial or they would call an ambulance to take her from the office. Not what I expected to hear. His fear was RSV or the beginning of pnuemonia...fortunately that was not the case (just bronchialitis) but an overnight stay in the Pediatric unit with Katherine was necessary for oxygen and breathing treatments. Normally this would not be an issue, but at three weeks of age, it was a little scary for us. She's doing great now and we are grateful that it was nothing more than it was...and grateful for my parents quickly volunteering to take Jonathan and Nicholas Thursday night, Friday night, and Saturday night (they refused to return them to their rightful owners until Sunday afternoon). It gave Jason and I some one-on-one time with Katherine and (believe it or not with a newborn in the house) some time to rest a little.

Little Katherine resting peacefully in her crib after she was discharged from the hospital.

Grandpa took Jonathan to the barber shop downtown in Clinton while he stayed with a nice little crew cut.

Nick got a haircut courtesty of Grandpa the following day at Snip-n-Clip in Clinton.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Recent pics of our family of five...

I've enjoyed the first couple of weeks of maternity leave...although it was more fun last week with Jason home with me. Thanks to all those who stopped by with dinner and gifts...we have great freinds! (Marie, Jason ate 99% of the dessert you made and insists I get the recipe from you).
Katherine has no regular sleep pattern at be expected as she's only two weeks old, but it makes for some frustrating days when I'm just so tired. Otherwise, she's the sweetest little thing ever and I often find myself just staring at her in disbelief that she's now a part of our family. Jason and I are both just so smitten.
She had another appt. with our regular Pediatrician, and it appears she, like Jonathan, has a heart murmur. She'll go back on Monday for another weight check and to listen again...we may be going back to Children's Mercy to see a Pediatric Cardiologist. We had to take Jonathan too when he was just a few months old only to find out that it is an innocent one...hopefully this will be the case with Katherine if it's necessary that she see a specialist to be evaluated.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Update on Katherine...

Katherine was diagnosed with moderately severe hydronephrosis (a dialated right kidney and possible malformation and/or duplication of the ureter connecting the kidney to the bladder) in an ultrasound a week before she was born. They did a sono on her immediately after birth and referred us to Children's Mercy for some tests yesterday. They went was a traumatic experience seeing my little newborn in a hospital gown strapped down to a table for voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG)... especially when having a catheter put in (she's feisty and doesn't like to be messed with). The appt's with Radiology and the Pediatric Urologist at Children's Mercy really didn't provide us with any definitive answers and she'll have to go back for another round in March (a Renal ultrasound (RUS) and a renal (kidney) scan) when she's a little bigger (any further tests at this point would be invalidated by the fact that all babies her age have immature kidney's anyway). She'll have to no doubt have surgery (but not until she's one) to correct her issue (malformed ureter) and may have only partial or no function in her right kidney (we'll know more in March). In the meantime, she'll continue to be on an antibiotic daily just in case of potential infection. Retrospectively, we are just feel happy and blessed that this was caught early, before any infections. If I hadn't measured large at my 37 week appt., my OBGYN would not have performed the sono at and the hydronephrosis would not have been detected at all. So we are just grateful for that...and that God gives us two kidneys when we really only need one! :)

Katherine's Birth Announcement

My father has taken over the task of writing the daily column in the Clinton Daily Democrat after my grandmothers passing. This has been a task taken on by many generations of family and I'm so proud of him for doing it. Here is the bit he wrote when baby Katherine was born...