Sunday, June 29, 2008

Meme & Papa Visit

We had another busy weekend...especially Saturday. Jonathan had his second round of Parent-tots at the Liberty Community Center where his is learning to be more comfortable in the water. He loves going and looks forward most to getting to jump off the side into my arms at the end of the session. Nick will begin on Monday. I look forward to this little bit of one-on-one time with my boys.

Meme and Papa came up for a visit on Saturday and while walking around our yard, we learned that we have 2 peach trees, an apple tree, blackberry bushes, a mulberry tree and what we think is a plum tree. Many of these trees and bushes did not bear fruit last year...either because they were too immature or because of the drought conditions. Having been a bit of a tom-boy myself growing up with two brothers, for some reason I have images of future fruit wars in the backyard...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Kate's Five Months Old!

Well five months tomorrow, that is. She didn't enjoy being placed on a wood floor with just her skivvy's to take her picture. Got two decent shots though! ;) Growing way too fast...for my last sad.

More Practice...

Friends, Mason and Emily came over to play with Jonathan in the backyard I whipped out the camera and took a few of them. It was fun having new subjects to photograph (or torture as Jonathan seems to think). I still have a lot to learn, but the class I have been taking with friend, Katie Whaley, has really helped my understanding of how my camera works. Next in line is a desparately needed a photoshop course...

Saturday, June 21, 2008

18 months today...

Nick's officially a year and a half old today...still amazes me how quickly they grow. :)

More Birthday Celebrations!

In honor of my brother's birthday, my grandfather's birthday and my belated birthday; we were all able to gather together and celebrate today...and what an amazingly beautiful day for it.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDPA! This is the first time I can remember celebrating his birthday with him since he's always been so far away.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOMMY! Stinks getting older, doesn't it! (Just one year behind me).

We grilled steak and chicken (courtesty of my parents) and enjoyed three different cakes, one for each of us. The gathering reminded me again how disappointing it is we are not going on a family vacation again this year. I know it was a smart decision with our three being so young, but it was something to look forward to at the end of summer. We have so much fun together as a family.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

A tribute to my dad...

Okay...can't leave my own father out in celebrating Father's Day! Three words that describe my father: patient, kind hearted, and gentleman. My dad helped me develop my love for history & politics, encouraged my interest in athletics, and most importantly; gave me my warped sense of humor! Growing up, he was easily persuaded (by both his daughters) to give in to their whims. All it took was putting our hair in pigtails and saying, "daddy, paaaaaaaaleeeeeeease!" Even in our later years, when we had no business being in pigtails, it always produced the desired results. I have a lot of fond memories of my dad growing up...but my ultimate favorite "dad memory" which speaks to the very heart of who he was as a father of a little girl is The Trash man Barbie Story. Barbies were my life as a little girl...from dawn to dusk, I played with my barbies; often outside in the driveway with my best friend Jentry. When we were told it was time to go inside for the night, she would head home after we placed our barbies in a cardboard box and set them inside the garage. Well...from the title of the story, you can probably tell where this story is going. The privately contracted trash man, Mr. Hull (a little old African American man in his late 60's, early 70's maybe) opened our garage and collected the trash the next day inadvertently taking my box of barbies. When I discovered this, my whole world had been torn apart, but being the sensitive, kind-hearted dad he was, he decided we would go and find the trash man's house that night. We loaded into the station wagon and headed off to inquire whether or not my poor barbies could be salvaged. Unfortunately, we were told by Mr. Hull they were gone forever. A sad moment for me. However, it meant a tremendous amount to me that my dad knew how important my dolls were and that he was willing to go the extra mile to attempt make it all right again.

Thanks for everything you are dad. I love you.

RIP Barbies!

Happy Father's Day Jason!

You're an amazing dad and husband! Our children are so lucky to have a dad who is so involved like you are...they will remember the times you spend with them!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Another year older...

My big sis and my dear husband made an otherwise ho-hum birthday (yep...32) a fantastic one. Katie took today off to come ease my load with the kids and allow me to escape to Zona Rosa for a little childless shopping (I still had gift cards from Christmas to burn). She also came with the following birthday cake (similar to one I had when I was 9)...It gave me a good little chuckle. The boys didn't care that it was was just sugar to them.

Jason surprised me during his lunch hour by bringing another cake, party hats, noise makers and a couple of cards (one from him and one from the little rascals). After we fed the kids dinner, Jason and I were able to get out ourselves for a bite to eat. Thanks again Katie! You never fail to spend my birthdays with me...and I love you for it!

Before (Perennial Barbie's skirt is a bit messed up due to cousin Daniel and Jonathan fighting over her...she fell on the floor ...thankfully lid intact. I'll be sure to remind them of fighting over a doll cake one day.


We all look pretty silly, huh?

Kate was asleep, so we had to take her picture separately. She looks like a garden gnome.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The joy in being a teacher...especially in the summertime

Summer's off! A common response to the question of why someone has chosen the career as educator. Can't beat 10 weeks off in the summer... and I think there is no better joy for a working mom than to have that kind of uninterrupted time with her kids. I originally thought the adjustment to full-time, stay-at-home mom would take a while, but in all reality, it has taken no time at all. I'm enjoying every minute (almost, ha!) of being with my kids from dawn to dusk...despite the demands of having three under the age of three. I have quickly come to understand that going places is difficult by fact, it's just not safe given I have only two arms and three little one's. So we are mostly homebodies...which is okay too. We've found plenty to do! Nick wanted to sport the bike helmet too (Jonathan's)....he loves walking around with it on...or over his face. Doesn't matter.
The boys in their new wagon...a friend picked up this awesome Radio Flyer from a garage sale for a mere $15...and it's practically brand new!
Jonathan's playset is almost finished...daddy's been working really hard. It still needs the swings, etc. It's coming along though.
Jonthan and good buddy, Kendric playing on the new playset.
Friends Cadence & Kendric with Jonathan

Katherine just hangs out outside...watching the boys. Not much else to do.
You think Jonathan watches his father play a lot of Guitar Hero?
More backyard fun
My kiddos... I just love 'em

Jonathan at the big pool for the first time.
Nick didn't like the life jacket...he couldn't bend over or sit.
Friend Jackson & Jonathan splashing each other at the pool.
He didn't enjoy the cold water...but he enjoyed his lunch though! (Thanks again Katie W. for inviting us and helping me!)

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Before we get to the welcomed deer in the backyard, let me return to the racoons for just a minute. A friend of ours, TJ, who lives up the street (also an Industrial Arts teacher at Liberty High) obtained a trap from a fellow teacher. The humane kind...not the awful one's that act like a claw and clamp down on poor, helpless animals limb. A cage with a trap door. He was so excited to try to catch one of the racoons in our backyard that he immediately bought some canned friskies catfood (the good kind...what else?). He set the trap Friday night(we asked that he set it as far away from the house as possible...we remembered those sounds they make). Low and behold, the next morning I look out and a critter was snagged. He came later to collect his new pet (his wife, Marie, wasn't sure what TJ was going to do with it...for all she knew, it was the thrill of the hunt). I asked if they had any good recipes...he replied, "well, you have to run over it first". I laughed and then brought Jonathan out to look at it before it was exiled. I started to feel a pang of guilt, despite the destruction of my potted plants a few weeks prior. The poor little fella looked frightened...those dark little helpless eyes. I didn't bother to ask how it was "disposed of". Don't really want to know.

Okay...on to the deer. Jonathan spotted one this morning while eating breakfast, "look mom! A deer...he's eating grass!" He went out on the deck to have a closer look and there happened to be a little fawn with it. So cute.

Pre-bedtime fun...

Poor Nickles took some close calls...

Kate and I had some fun time of our own.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

9 Year Anniversary

Nine years seems like it's gone by so fast yet when we look back, it seems like our wedding day was forever ago. My how our lives have changed in just the past three years alone. Any fun plans for the day? Nope. But hey, that's okay...maybe we'll go crazy and order a pizza. Engagment the Skyes Restaurant. Jason proposed later that evening by saying, "Will you allow me the privilege of loving you for the rest of my life?"...Still makes me weak at the knees.
Our wedding day
Honeymoon at Disney World... I recommend every newly married couple go there. Not because it's fun (don't get me was), but because it's a form of birth control. All the screaming, tantruming (is that a word?) miserable kids dragging tired haggard parents behind. Isn't it supposed to be the happiest place on earth?