Sunday, June 15, 2008

A tribute to my dad...

Okay...can't leave my own father out in celebrating Father's Day! Three words that describe my father: patient, kind hearted, and gentleman. My dad helped me develop my love for history & politics, encouraged my interest in athletics, and most importantly; gave me my warped sense of humor! Growing up, he was easily persuaded (by both his daughters) to give in to their whims. All it took was putting our hair in pigtails and saying, "daddy, paaaaaaaaleeeeeeease!" Even in our later years, when we had no business being in pigtails, it always produced the desired results. I have a lot of fond memories of my dad growing up...but my ultimate favorite "dad memory" which speaks to the very heart of who he was as a father of a little girl is The Trash man Barbie Story. Barbies were my life as a little girl...from dawn to dusk, I played with my barbies; often outside in the driveway with my best friend Jentry. When we were told it was time to go inside for the night, she would head home after we placed our barbies in a cardboard box and set them inside the garage. Well...from the title of the story, you can probably tell where this story is going. The privately contracted trash man, Mr. Hull (a little old African American man in his late 60's, early 70's maybe) opened our garage and collected the trash the next day inadvertently taking my box of barbies. When I discovered this, my whole world had been torn apart, but being the sensitive, kind-hearted dad he was, he decided we would go and find the trash man's house that night. We loaded into the station wagon and headed off to inquire whether or not my poor barbies could be salvaged. Unfortunately, we were told by Mr. Hull they were gone forever. A sad moment for me. However, it meant a tremendous amount to me that my dad knew how important my dolls were and that he was willing to go the extra mile to attempt make it all right again.

Thanks for everything you are dad. I love you.

RIP Barbies!

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