Thursday, June 5, 2008

9 Year Anniversary

Nine years seems like it's gone by so fast yet when we look back, it seems like our wedding day was forever ago. My how our lives have changed in just the past three years alone. Any fun plans for the day? Nope. But hey, that's okay...maybe we'll go crazy and order a pizza. Engagment the Skyes Restaurant. Jason proposed later that evening by saying, "Will you allow me the privilege of loving you for the rest of my life?"...Still makes me weak at the knees.
Our wedding day
Honeymoon at Disney World... I recommend every newly married couple go there. Not because it's fun (don't get me was), but because it's a form of birth control. All the screaming, tantruming (is that a word?) miserable kids dragging tired haggard parents behind. Isn't it supposed to be the happiest place on earth?

1 comment:

The Votaw Family said...

I love how madly in love you two are! And how free you are to express it- too many complain about their mates all the time- it's nice to see two people so in love and appreciative of each other! Just like Eric and I- hehe