Sunday, June 8, 2008


Before we get to the welcomed deer in the backyard, let me return to the racoons for just a minute. A friend of ours, TJ, who lives up the street (also an Industrial Arts teacher at Liberty High) obtained a trap from a fellow teacher. The humane kind...not the awful one's that act like a claw and clamp down on poor, helpless animals limb. A cage with a trap door. He was so excited to try to catch one of the racoons in our backyard that he immediately bought some canned friskies catfood (the good kind...what else?). He set the trap Friday night(we asked that he set it as far away from the house as possible...we remembered those sounds they make). Low and behold, the next morning I look out and a critter was snagged. He came later to collect his new pet (his wife, Marie, wasn't sure what TJ was going to do with it...for all she knew, it was the thrill of the hunt). I asked if they had any good recipes...he replied, "well, you have to run over it first". I laughed and then brought Jonathan out to look at it before it was exiled. I started to feel a pang of guilt, despite the destruction of my potted plants a few weeks prior. The poor little fella looked frightened...those dark little helpless eyes. I didn't bother to ask how it was "disposed of". Don't really want to know.

Okay...on to the deer. Jonathan spotted one this morning while eating breakfast, "look mom! A deer...he's eating grass!" He went out on the deck to have a closer look and there happened to be a little fawn with it. So cute.

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