Monday, September 15, 2008

Registration Complete

After a nearly three hour 19 mile run in the pouring rain Saturday morning, Marie, Mary, Traci and I finally "officially" registered for the Kansas City Marathon. Officially. I literally cringed as I hit submit when registering, but did plop down the $80 fee and made a small donation to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

I can't honestly say that the run felt great and that I was inspired and energized when it was all over. It hurt. I hobbled around all day Sat. and most of Sunday. And even this morning's run was a wee bit.......okay, really....painful. My lower back hurts in a way I never felt prior to carrying three babies. I'm guessing it's a result of my pelvis shifting? Regardless, my body is definitely not the same. :)

1 comment:

GretaLouise and JackBoyer said...

Woah, mamma! If you can go pain med. free during labor, you can do it!! I am so proud of you - what a stud you are!