Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Can you freeze time?

This sweet little blue-eyed man is growing up way too fast...in fact when you ask how old he is, he insists he is four just like his older brother.
He prefers to do things by himself

"I do it mommy".

I can't believe he's riding a bike,

going to the bathroom on his own

"leave me alone mommy"

(he prefers his privacy), & sleeping in a big boy bed.

He has the most amazing manners. His "please's and thank you's" are ...unsolicited, not out of habit, but genuine.

He insists on taking his plate when finished with dinner to the sink himself.

He still insists I rock him (and I will take advantage until

the sad day arrives when he tells me not to).

He is our affectionate one...our cuddle bug. Several times a day he will randomly say,

"I love you mommy".

Our silly one, our dancer, our musician.