Sunday, September 20, 2009

Neglected no more...

Photography~I have been booked with sessions every weekend for three weeks straight and it will continue through October. I love this little hobby/money maker of mine and am grateful my dear sweet husband gives me time to pursue it. I'm often asked if I have ambitions to make a full time business of it...and the answer is no. I've learned throughout my life so far that to take something you that you consider a hobby or minor passion and turn it in to a "have to", it can quickly lose it's appeal. So...when not busy with teaching online, my computer time has been eaten up with editing...explaining my absence and neglect here. :-)

Kids~Busy, busy, busy...up and at 'em and out the door to school by 9 or 9:30 (I'm not complaining about that as last year it was out the door by 6:45), work online all day while juggling Kate (and two days a week, Nick). The boys are picked up by 3:00 or 3:30, and we spend the rest of our afternoon/early evening outside playing with the neighbors. Jason and I marvel at the picture-perfect American neighborhood we live in where the cul-de-sac is full of kids riding bikes & playing games until dusk. I'm really grateful for the older neighborhood girls who immediately grab up Kate and take her off to entertain her. She loves playing with the big girls...including Abby, our 13 year old babysitter who conveniently lives across the cul-de-sac.

Job~I still LOVE the new job! It's been far more flexible than I imagined and has been the best marriage of both career and family. I was approached this past week by the principal of Staley High School to teach a few classes every other day...and although flattered and tempted, I decided to decline the opportunity for now. I change my mind daily...and have been quite conflicted as I do miss regular interaction with students (non-virtual environment), but realize that clearing my full plate from last year has been one of the best things I have ever done for my family.

Grandparents~We've had lots of visits with grandparents this past week. We traveled down to Villa Ventura to visit with Grandpa Mac last Sunday afternoon. Gaga and Grandpa made a surprise visit after a doctor's appointment on Thursday and they came bearing gifts...and the kids cried when they left! And Meme and Papa came up yesterday afternoon for a nice long visit...and the kids cried when they left too. :-(

Jonathan BEGGED to have his training wheels removed from his HUGE bike...I conceded...and look at him go! :-) He can only stop by laying his bike in the grass or crashing since his legs can't touch the ground.

In such a hurry to grow up!

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