Friday, June 5, 2009

3,650 Days Ago...

3,650 Days Ago...I married Jason. Yep...if you can do the math, that's


So....what should Jason indulge me with?

10th Anniversary Contemporary/Modern Gift:
Diamond jewelry. A marriage that lasts ten years is as durable and beautiful as a diamond, right?

10th Anniversary Gemstone:
Diamond jewelry or blue sapphire.

10th Anniversary Color:
Silver or blue.

10th Anniversary Flower:
Daffodil. Trumpet-shaped daffodils represent joy, cheerfulness, and happiness.

Okay...I'm not big on jewelry (although, anyone would be crazy not to want a ring like that). And, well...daffodils (although they remind me of my favorite season, spring), are not on the top of my list of favorite flowers. All I really want is time alone with Jason....a rare treat these days! So we plan to run off to the Skyes restaurant, where we ate the night we were engaged, married (on our way to the airport before our honeymoon to Florida), our one year anniversary, five year anniversary and now, dare I say, our ten year anniversary! We have a room and no other plans...and to us, that sounds delightful. Now we aren't going to let this important marital milestone pass us by without celebrating in a big way...just a delayed way as we are planning an island getaway early June next year with some friends of ours. Crazy how time flies!

So in honoring my main squeeze and the bliss of the last ten years, a letter...

Dear Jason,

If there’s one lesson from the past 10 years, I guess it’s that sometimes you can’t explain love. Everyone knows about the passionate part of marriage. What I didn’t know 10 years ago was that the passion only increases. The boy I married because I liked, loved and was attracted to, is now the man who has held my hand in labor three times, who tenderly nurtures our children, and who has supported me in every every crisis.

There’s no doubt that our marriage, being grounded in faith, has worked for a decade, and will help make it work for years to come. I thank God every day for you, for the match He made in us... It's amazing to think of how far we've come, where we are, and exciting to think of where we are going with our lives stretched out before us. I'm glad we are in this journey of life together. I couldn't think of a better sidekick!

We’ve faced less-superficial challenges than making it another 10, 15, or however many years God decides to keep us on this earth together. Moves to places where we had no established relationships, fertility issues, financial struggles... the stuff of life. I’m thankful to have gone through it all with you. I’m thankful each and every day that I share a beautiful family with you. Our Jonathan, Nicholas and Kate are so precious, true blessings from God.

We didn’t decide to get married because we thought we’d be great parents someday. But as fate would have it, I married the best father in the world. I’d be remiss to not also tell you how much I love your dedication and sacrifice to me. Seems like the best marriages out there are those where two are one, unselfishly giving of each other. You’ve been a supporter of my dreams... you have supported me 100% in all my ventures & desires. I so look forward to many more years together. More todays of loving one another, caring for one another and, yes, bickering now and then with one another. We’ll be a little stubborn about sticking together. I still like you, I certainly love you, and I am more attracted to you than ever, but even that does not adequately express the passion I feel for you more than 10 years after you captured my heart.We’ll be friends and lovers to the end.

With all my love,


Our wedding day.....five years later...and ten years (photo to come. In advance, pardon our lack of agelessness!)

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