Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Kindergarten Round-Up

I took Jonathan to Kindergarten Round-up last night (Jason took Nick to swimming lessons and Kate had our neighbor come over to watch her). It's hard to fathom that it's almost that time. We toured the three Kindergarten classrooms, the Gym, Music Room and Art Room. All of the kids recieved a card made by current students upon arrival and a little gift from the principal before leaving. Jonathan is so blessed that three other neighborhood friends will be starting kindergarten all at the same time and riding the bus together...I think for some reason that eases my mind about the transition to come. Knowing he's not alone. (He even recognized a girl from his Montessori...I asked who she was as she kept waving at Jonathan. Jonathan's response? "Oh, that's just Alex, mommy". Scanning the room..."I wish Kamry was here" (Referencing the little gal he does his hair spikey for. The same gal who recently told another four year old girl not to talk to Jonathan because he was her boyfriend. The same gal who told Jonathan to ask his mom if he could marry her).

I'm not teary yet, but I know those tears are soon to come. Thank goodness I get him all to myself this summer!

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