Thursday, July 31, 2008

Ready to go to school

Jonathan is waaaaay excited to go to school next week for two full days to transition him before I go back to work in just a few days. He asks every morning if he's going to school today. If I say no, he cries, puts on his backpack and tries to open the front door. Today he accepted the "no" and instead, put on his backpack and tried to get in his Little People bus. He realized he was too big and then told me his zoo animals were going to school today instead. I'm so thrilled he is excited about going to school...but sad too. I've shed my fair share of tears over the idea of him starting is preschool afterall, but it's a different environment than he's been used to the last three years and as any mom who is leaving the care of their child in someone else's hands, I worry. I know he'll thrive there and do much better with adjusting than I will...he's just growing up way too quickly. Now...if we can only keep pants on him!

Trying on his new backpack...I doubt he'll actually even need one, but he thought he did!

Checking out the inside & putting it on his head
Playing on the computer...he could sit and play on Nick. Jr. for amazes me how much he's like his daddy with his gaming!

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