Thursday, January 1, 2009


Resolutions, resolutions...I've never really been big into resolving to change anything or improve anything with the start of a new year...not that there certainly haven't been things to change or improve in the past. However, this year is a little different as both Jason and I have a long list of some changes we'd like to see happen in our own personal lives, as well as the in the life of our family.

  • PATIENCE, PATIENCE, PATIENCE...this is one we both have to pray for and practice at. We both recognize the need to to take deep breaths when dealing with our children...all three are at ages that require that we demonstrate a tremendous amount of patience in our daily interactions with them.
  • continue to make our faith a more pivotal and central part of our family life by finding time to get more involved.
  • GET FIT...needs no explanation. Jason desires to drop some poundage...I desire to get rid of the post Holiday pudgy and train for a third marathon.
  • STOP AND SMELL THE ROSES...we are busy. Very busy. As a result, every little bit of time we have is filled with meeting the physical needs of our children and we sometimes forget to take joy in the moment and fulfill their emotional needs as much as we could. Our kids are growing fast...and heaven forbid we miss out on enjoying every bit of them before they grow up on us. So we wish to play more, read more, be silly together more.

1 comment:

GretaLouise and JackBoyer said...

You have the most beautiful family! I wish you so much love, good health, and happiness in 09!