Monday, February 28, 2011

The boys...

Nick's passion? Trains. After 2 years, he is still obsessed with his trains.

Jonathan's passion? Legos. They are EVERYWHERE. He creates for hours and it's amazing to both see & hear his imagination at work.

Kate's passion? Torture. Yes. She's perfected the art of torture. Take the trains from Nick and run as fast as she can with him in hot pursuit. Or...the minute Jonathan's back is turned, destroy the ship he's spent 30 minutes perfecting.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

School parties....crafts, snacks and Valentines.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Rock Chalk Jayhawk, Go KU!

I try to teach them where their loyalty should lie.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Pretty Woman

We did it...she rises early and watches mommy get ready every morning. She plays with my make-up brushes, douses herself in lotion and adorns herself with my jewelry. She had been asking for holes in her ears like mommy for quite some time. I explained to her that I was four years old when I had mine pierced and that it hurt. She continued to insist she would be "brave" so...we had a ladies night out last Saturday at Zona Rosa and shopped at Old Navy and Gap for some new clothes (and ended up with A LOT of PINK) and then went to Claire's to do the deed. She picked out little pink crystal flowers, and although she did cry for about 5 seconds, she immediately told me she was going to tell daddy how brave she was. She ran into the house to show her brothers. Her sweet older brother, Jonathan, looked at her and sweetly told me his little sister "looked pretty and like a big girl". :)