Thursday, April 28, 2011

"This is just a phase. This car does not define me."

You know those sticker families on the back? Two parents, 3.5 kids, 2 dogs and a cat? I will NEVER be THAT mom.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not ashamed to admit that I covet the big wide open space between my often three unruly passengers. The tanalizing remote doors *sigh* and the room to move around while on a road trip *pitter patter*, the dvd player *tear streaming down face*. Yes...minivans just scream "mom". However, as a now 2nd time minivan owner, I'm learning that I quite frankly don't care if someone thinks I'm a mom because, well...I am. Yes, I nearly cried when we bought our first one. Did I EVER think I'd buy another? No way,'s function before form for a few years, as lame & uncool as that may seem to some.

However, if I had to, I would divorce Mr. K and marry my sweet new ride.
I would be wearing my flip flops and sweat pants during our ceremony. Then we would ride off into the a soccer game.


GretaLouise and JackBoyer said...

Can I sing at your wedding? Tell me about this new van in your life. I want one, too!

Nicole @ Nicole Clark blog said...

I would love a van,but with no car payments we will have to do with what we have. I would love automatic sliding doors. What made you get a new one?