Monday, October 25, 2010

Family Movie Night

After a wonderful Parent's Night Out hosted by our young adult group Friday night (Jason and I were able to get out of the house-childless-to visit with my grandfather together at St. Luke's....then we had a quick bite to eat), we decided a nice Family Movie night was in order for Saturday night. I fondly remember "junk food night" growing up. My mom would let us get anything and everything we loved to eat, yet were seldom allowed to eat, and we would binge! Jason and I let them pick their favorite candy (in celebration of no cavities this week at the dentist), we popped a huge bowl of popcorn, and dare I say, allowed them to have their very own (mini)can of pop. Scandalous!

1 comment:

GretaLouise and JackBoyer said...

Yay for no cavities! They are such awesome kids!