Thursday, April 29, 2010


I grew up in the quintessential American neighborhood where we immediately headed outside to join our neighborhood friends, often running and playing tag and other outdoor games until dusk when we trooped home after the very recognizable beckoning from our parents shouting our names one by one. Often filthy, bruised, scabbed kneed and bitten by a host of bugs; we would collapse with exhaustion yet still be exhilarated from the activities of the day. I get very nostalgic about those days and am thrilled, that even at the ages of 2, 3 and 4, my kids are already experiencing these same memory making moments. It's not uncommon for our kids to spend hours in the evening outside as the cul-de-sac fills with ramps, bikes, scooters and skateboards, but tonight brought back a lot of memories. I sat on the porch as dusk settled in, the street light flickered on, a warm 75 degree breeze blowing through the trees, the dogs barking in the distance, the birds chirping from above and the sound of bullfrogs from the creek....and I watched 9 of our neighborhood kids (ages 2-11) playing hide and go seek. Even little Kate, with her pudgy little hands and dirt and snot streaked face, participated in covering her eyes and running as fast as her little bowed legs and diapered bottom would carry her. I took joy and delight in watching Nick run with his little fast feet and his arms awkwardly straight at his sides as he ran swiftly alongside the big kids. Watching the kids circle up in the grass and sing childhood chants (while Kate was attempting some very uncoordinated somersaults) and tossing a ball... I love to see that my kids, and the kids in our neighborhood, are outside and being active together. I hope that these memories will be as special to them one day as mine are to me.

1 comment:

GretaLouise and JackBoyer said...

I have wonderful memories of us playing! Dusk is my favorite time. I think it is so wonderful that you guys live in such a great neighborhood where your kids can play like we used to. The traditions continue...That makes me smile!