Thursday, February 18, 2010

Our little munchkin

I took this little man and his little sister to Target yesterday morning.

On the way, Nick said, "Yes! I love 'da store!" "Mommy, I be so happy!".

Target makes me happy too.

(Then he and his sister fought, pushed,and hit each other in the cart the whole time. Meowed like cats for all to turn and ponder as they passed by. The grand finale was the "face-plant-yourself-in-the-middle-of-the-check-out-isle-and-scream-at-the-top-of-your-lungs-to-see-if-mom-will-cave-so-I-can have-that-pack-of-bubble gum" tactic)

I confess.

I caved.

I'm officially one of those mom's. :-( It's okay though, right? His Montessori teacher did say gum was good for strengthing muscles in the mouth to help with speech).

I'm rationalizing.