Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is a time set aside to give thanks for all the good in our lives. It is during hard times that we are perhaps most in need of thanksgiving. It is easy to be thankful when everything is going well, yet ironically those are the times when we are most likely to forget to thank God. This month has been a great example of that. God has blessed our family in numerous ways and although we do thank Him, it's been easy to sometimes take credit ourselves when things are going well rather than credit God for all the blessings he has given.

Over the last several years of our marraige, God has taught Jason and I to consider His hand in everything. The recent loss of my job is no exception. We know that God has a plan for us, and that He will provide as he always does!

Some days it may seem that there is little to thank God for, but amazingly there is always something. There is always some glimmer of light in the darkness: a kind word that someone may have uttered, a moment of beauty in nature, a tender moment with one of our children, some form of an unexpected blessing. God has ways of letting us know that He is there, even when we are traveling on a difficult path.

And so, yes, especially in these hard times that many are facing, we need to take the time to thank God for the many blessings in our lives. We thank God for family and friends, and the food we do have to eat. We thank God for the gift of life and each new day. We thank God for our family and the blessings our own children bring us. We thank God for our church family, our neighbors, our friends. Most importantly, We thank God for the gift of His son and the hope of eternal life.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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