For the last month, our Friday evenings have consisted of attending a Life Group through our church. Our Life Group is a smaller group of people within our church who meet regularly to establish a sense of community to live out the reality of the Christian...ours happens to focus on marriage. Those newly married. We had to laugh when we were invited to join this particular group, not because of the "newly married" label, but the fact that the other label, "under 35 years of age", made Jason wonder if we were going to get the boot when he turned 35 last month. :-)
We have enjoyed getting to know couples at all stages of marriage, and have enjoyed going through the book and devotions as a couple together. We're even still learning a little about each other and what makes our marriage tick...(even after 18 years together and 10 years of marriage) because 10 years certainly doesn't make one an expert on marriage and no marriage couldn't use a little renewal & redirection from time to time?
Andy Stanley is awsome. Ryan taught Starting point for awhile and Andy Stanley teaches the topics. Great person.
You said it, girl!
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