Although his actual birthday is July 14th (Tuesday) we celebrated today. This was a special birthday because it marked the beginning of really having an understanding of what birthday parties are. Balloons, cake, presents and friends. Jonathan has been talking about having a birthday for a long time and when nickalodean had "Pirate Week", it was settled that his birthday would be a pirate birthday. There was nothing more priceless and tender than the moment this morning, when I was finishing decorating the dining room with his pirate balloons, and Jonathan looked up and said a genuine, "thank you mommy" Completely unsolicited recognition of mommy's role in preparing for his big day. As people started to arrive at 4pm, he kept saying, "My friends are here mommy, look at all my friends!". Pure excitment!
Jonathan is our gift (as all children are) in the sense of the unexpected blessing God granted us the day he was born. After struggling for three years with not having a successful pregnancy, we finally had our baby boy and felt like a family. This past year, Jason and I have witnessed Jonathan grow leaps and bounds in his cognitive development...from communication to his constant analyzing of the world around him. We have seen this little toddler with a binkie and diapers turn into a little boy with an imagination, a sense of humor and sincere sensitivity toward others. His favorite phrase seems to be, "I do it by myself, mommy!" I often go into his room at night before I go to bed to tuck him in, move some of the toys off of his bed and give him a peck on the cheek. There is nothing like looking at your sleeping child to make your heart melt. Just the other night I was caught off guard by my emotions and tears rolled down my cheeks as I looked at him and realized how big he has become. Where did all the time go? I almost already see the young man in him. At three years of age, that probably sounds crazy...but I believe the many people who have said, "Blink your eyes and they'll be leaving for college" A while back I asked my sister-in-law, Shirlene, what her favorite stage was with her kids. Her reply was, "everytime I think 'this is my favorite stage', they reach the next stage and I think 'no, this is my favorite stage' and so on..." Having experienced Jonathan changing from year to year, I have to agree. It just keeps getting better and better! Happy 3rd Birthday sweet Jonathan. We love you!
1 comment:
Looks like we missed a fun party. I can't believe he's 3! What fun!
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