Our little mellow man...he's our little equalizer in the family. We have our high strung, dramatic, energetic fireball...Jonathan and then there's little Nick. Our go-with-the-flow, affectionate, silly little cuddle bug. He's been so funny lately as he learns to talk more and of course, exert his will. I witnessed for the first time Nick fighting back when Jonathan took a toy away from him. He'd usually submit and walk away to find something else, but not anymore. He's decided enough is enough. I didn't know whether to stop him wailing on Jonathan with his little arms flapping as he screamed or to sit back and let it play out. I really had to contain my laughter because it was a side of Nick I hadn't seen...but in some small way, wanted to...for the sake of Jonathan realizing he could no longer take advantage of little Nickles. So now, I suppose, it begins. The real sibling rivalry and beginning of my role as referee! Here are a few pictures of some Nick and daddy time! Daddy just loves to come home from work and get the boys all riled up by chasing and throwing them around a bit. They LOVE it!