Summer's off! A common response to the question of why someone has chosen the career as educator. Can't beat 10 weeks off in the summer... and I think there is no better joy for a working mom than to have that kind of uninterrupted time with her kids. I originally thought the adjustment to full-time, stay-at-home mom would take a while, but in all reality, it has taken no time at all. I'm enjoying every minute (almost, ha!) of being with my kids from dawn to dusk...despite the demands of having three under the age of three. I have quickly come to understand that going places is difficult by fact, it's just not safe given I have only two arms and three little one's. So we are mostly homebodies...which is okay too. We've found plenty to do!
Nick wanted to sport the bike helmet too (Jonathan's)....he loves walking around with it on...or over his face. Doesn't matter.
The boys in their new wagon...a friend picked up this awesome Radio Flyer from a garage sale for a mere $15...and it's practically brand new!
Jonathan's playset is almost finished...daddy's been working really hard. It still needs the swings, etc. It's coming along though.
Jonthan and good buddy, Kendric playing on the new playset.
Friends Cadence & Kendric with Jonathan
Katherine just hangs out outside...watching the boys. Not much else to do.
You think Jonathan watches his father play a lot of Guitar Hero?
More backyard fun
My kiddos... I just love 'em
Jonathan at the big pool for the first time.
Nick didn't like the life jacket...he couldn't bend over or sit.
Friend Jackson & Jonathan splashing each other at the pool.
He didn't enjoy the cold water...but he enjoyed his lunch though! (Thanks again Katie W. for inviting us and helping me!)
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