Thursday, May 19, 2011

P/T Conferences

An entire year has gone by...and a final round of parent-teacher conferences for Nick and Kate at their Montessori. Not sure why...but these things make me nervous.

I sat in a little chair, trying to balance uncomfortably on one cheek, not knowing what exactly to expect. Then it dawned on me: how do my children really behave when we're not around? Are they repeating stuff? Saying or doing embarrassing things. What exactly? Afterall, it was just last week when Kate lifted up her preschool teachers skirt on the playground (in front of front of everyone) and asked, "You got any panties on under der?" Legitimate question. Very awkward moment. was just yesterday morning when Nick pointed to his cute little Elmo underwear and said, "Der's a big pee pee in der! The biggest pee pee at school..." Oh really? (Daddy was laughing hysterically. Mommy was stunned and clamoring for an appropriate response).

I don't care to hear whether or not my children are "brilliant" or "advanced". Really. For both Jason and I, average is GREAT! Nick is right on target academically according to the Bracken School Readiness Test. Kate apparently loves to sing (LOUDLY) while she works, enjoys painting the most, and apparently yells "WALK AWAY!" to boys who get too close.

(Dear Kate, your mama wants you to keep saying that until you're.......oh...about twenty)
My perfect pair from their first day of preschool last August.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A late Mother's Day post

In my opinion...the real work of motherhood started for me when my kids' reasoning ability kicked in. When it was no longer about merely keeping them alive and sustaining them from day to day (or nap to nap in my case).

Wait…you mean..I…have to…ya know…teach them? Correct them? I have to raise them to be morally responsible, compassionate citizens of this great big world... who contribute to society in a positive way?


I love being with my kids. I love doing the fun things with them. Going to the Zoo, playing at the park, watching movies. I love to do the activity of life with my kids. But the day to day training that’s imperative to their development? Not my favorite part of mothering.

In fact, the day to day instruction has always been a bit intimidating to me. The business of training them to be respectful and obedient. It’s really hard! Give me a fussy newborn over an insolent young child any day of the week.

Can I get an Amen?

You see, I like to sprint through life. But guess what? It’s hard to sprint when there are three little ones whose legs aren’t as long as yours. My metaphor is getting a little rough, but notice how I can tie running into this. Stay with me…

Although it's always been difficult for me to redirect my future-oriented focus, I’ve spent the better part of the last few months trying to slow down. Live in the moment. Embrace and soak in this time of life. I tend to equate down time with idleness. "Oh, the kids are entertaining themselves...I can get laundry folded, or unload dishes". Instead, I've made a concerted effort to get outside with them...push them on the swings, go for a short walk with them. Just be with them. Sometimes it’s simply sitting and reading a book to the kids in the middle of the day. It’s good for them and, you know what? It’s good for me.

I’m finally beginning to really enjoy the art of motherhood. The hard part. I’m even getting excited about it. I know, right? It’s about time. I’m looking forward to and excited about the process of training them. I look forward to praying for them and being with them. I’m so excited for this summer to just be.

I know it will be tiring and exhausting and hard. It always is. It is, and always will be, my REAL job. But I love the hard. I love the tiring. I’m learning to love the process. I’m learning to sit, to be still, to play Barbies, to have imaginary tea parties, to read books, to live every day life. I’m finally enjoying that part of motherhood a little more. Fewer schedules, more free time, more playtime. I’m slowing down my pace and finally giving my kids a chance to catch up.

This is a great place to be.

On Guard!

I truly believe God gave little boys powerful imaginations to make up for their powerlessness
over what’s for breakfast. And lunch. And dinner.

For the last few weeks our home has been engaged in serious sword play inspired by watching Princess Bride. No one has “died a thousand deaths” yet, but we've had plenty of casualties (including some glass lanterns that met an early death...somehow "Tilly did it!"...ya know, the dog locked in the kennel). Playing pretend takes real flexibility. The script changes rapidly. Instructions fly from every corner of the room from Nick to Jonathan....from Jonathan to Nick. I never know if they are pirates or knights...but it's serious business rescuing princess Kate.

Do I want to encourage violence? No. Do I want to encourage something that my boys find fun and entertaining? Yes.

Fencing lessons begin June 1st.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

After School Special

...another segment of typical quirky afternoon in our home. I've said it before...I am a blogger who happens to be a mom. Write what you know, correct? Well right now, I know Mom-ing. (I could have written I know Motherhood but turning “Mom” into a verb sounded like more fun.) So I’m going to write about Mom-ing, and all the other stuff that interests me that doesn’t involve my kids...which isn’t a lot because I’m kind of in the trenches of this Mom thing.

So once again, I’m posting about my kids, because dang it, my kids are funny. Maybe they’re only funny to me and their grandparents, but I don’t care. I want to remember the cute and funny things my kids do so I can look back ten years later and smile…and...humiliate them. It’s a scrapbook that yields sweet revenge, right?

I’m only half way kidding.