It has been a while! I know that I've been slacking on the blog for the past couple of months but it has definitely not carried over into the rest of my life. In fact I cant even believe that March is almost over and I have not blogged about the exciting things happening. (Not to mention all the wacky personal things rolling around in my head). I never intended for this blog to be a mere photo album, but guiltily, I've really only had time to post photos and video from time to time. I’m super excited, however, for this spring and summer, but still, I’ve been a bad blogger… scold worthy, actually. Silly me because I’VE GOT SO MUCH TO SHARE! But now that I sit down, open up the blog and start writing, I’m getting antsy cause I just don’t know where to start.
The past month has been filled with ballet for Kate, swim lessons 2X a week for all three kids and soccer starts next week (and t-ball next month). I'm turning into the ultimate soccer mom with the disgusting van. :-
Kate has her first recital in late June at the Kearney Performing Arts Center and the costume we had to purchase screams Toddlers & Tiara's (but we'll rant about that one later). She was very apprehensive at first and I attribute that to her never doing anything independent of her "almost" Irish twin, Nick. Now she ushers me away as she enters the dance room.
Jonathan had one of his first big school fundraisers (cookie dough). I was reminded of attending Holy Rosary Catholic School and working hard with my brothers and sister to sell a ridiculous amount of cheese and sausage to get enough points to win a VCR for our family. A big deal!
Nick asks everyday when he can play t-ball. I keep telling him when the grass turns green and there are leaves on the trees...we're almost there little buddy!
I've signed up for the Sunburst Marathon with my 3 running girlfriends the first weekend in June. The race takes place in South Bend, Indiana and finishes on the football field at Notre Dame. I was also accepted into the New York City Marathon in early November and am excited to stay with my friend, Lora, while I'm there. How I'm going to find the time to train for two consecutive marathons, I don't know, but I'm grateful for the amazing training partners I have in this neighborhood.
- Jason and I are finally getting away for a vacation ALONE in June and heading to Cancun. (Dad, quit sending me articles about shark attacks, please) :-)
And the biggest news of all....I'm going to be an aunt for the 10th time on Monday! That's sister, Katie, is being induced! Can't wait!!!
I plan to get back on a somewhat decent schedule when it comes to blogging and quit slacking off. I’m not going to commit to a set schedule as we all know, sometimes life gets in the way, but I do plan on writing quite a bit more. Just keep your eyes open for the upcoming posts!
Nick had an ear infection and had some special mommy time for two days. We tried to make a kite on Wednesday because it was incredibly windy. It didn't fly well, but it was fun nevertheless!
Boy does this photo (below) show their personalities? This is life!