Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Day!

Christmas Eve

Christmas in Eudora

Once again...lots of gluttony, creativity and humor to be had. :-)

Nick's Celebration of Life!

Nick had his 3rd Celebration of Life at the Montessori he attends!

He was so excited to be the center of attention. Again, he walked around the candle (representing the sun) for each year of his life...stopped at Dec. to show pictures to his classmates and hear from him mom what exciting things he did each of his five years.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Nick's 5th Birthday Party!

He really, really wanted an Angry Bird party. Did you know they make NOTHING Angry Birds for parties that I could find short notice (because admittedly, I don't plan way in advance for these things...I wish I was more organized)? Lots of late nights this week, but this mom delivered. Thanks to the help from my cousin, Ariel (and Todd) for helping with the cupcakes! This was the special birthday for my little Nick where he could hardly contain his excitment for the few weeks leading up to this party!

Montessori "Program"

Another informal Holiday program at the Montessori...love how preschoolers prefer SHOUTING as opposed to singing. :) They did their traditional book exchange as well.

Boy Scout Christmas Party

Our big Boy Scout and his brother attended the Boy Scout Christmas party with daddy...while the ladies of the family were out shopping. Nick now can't wait to be a boy scout!

Jingle Bells!

Kate did a very informal dance for her dance class this past Wednesday night. She was constantly turning around giving me the BIGGEST grins and many "thumbs up". :)