Friday, October 30, 2009

Missouri Virtual Instruction Program

Back in late May I wrote a blog entry that contained the following:

"The North Kansas City School District has been incredibly good to me over the years and I am far more emotional than I ever imagined I would be ending a chapter in my life only to begin another. I prefer to view it as a pause...hoping that one day I will return to the real brick & mortar classroom. "

After taking the position with the Missouri Virtual Instruction program, I have wanted to do nothing else. Although going back in to the classroom would most defnitely continue to fulfill my passion for education, I learned this week, the time may come sooner rather than later.

To give you a little history regarding the program: On Dec. 23rd, 2008, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education announced that had signed an agreement with the University of Missouri’s eMints National Center in Columbia to manage the state’s virtual school. The Missouri Virtual Instruction Program was authorized by the Missouri Legislature in 2006 and has a current state budget of $5.8 million. It has been administered by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. It currently has over 4000 enrollments (3940 state-funded enrollments and only 272 tuition based enrollments) and employs approximately 50 Missouri-certified teachers. Unfortunately, Governor Nixon announced Wednesday that he is eliminating all state funding for the second semester of MoVIP.

This program has become an invaluable resource for students, educators, and parents alike. Virtual education is not for every child, every parent or every family, but neither is the traditional brick and mortar public school. However, the benefits of the Missouri Virtual Education Program are numerous. It permits students in small, rural, or low-wealth school districts to take specialized courses (Advanced Placement, foreign language courses, etc.) that are not ordinarily available to them. It meets the need of students with social or physical issues. Students who are in hospitals, recovering at home, school dropouts who desire to get back in, expelled students, single parents, and students who are involved in competitive athletics or activities. It provides home schooled students with instruction in subjects their parents might not be able to teach, such as foreign languages or computer skills. If our state Governor makes good on his intention to cut funding, how will these students truly receive the education they are entitled to receive?

I have personally taught in the regular classroom for 9 years and because of my passion and belief in online education, I left a tenured position and took a pay cut in order to have the opportunity to work with students in a virtual environment. It is an environment free from distraction and classroom management issues, an environment where I have been able to forge relationships and provide one-on-one communication in a way not possible given the demands of a regular brick and mortar classroom. It leaves very little room for students to fall between the cracks as each student is closely monitored and regularly contacted and encouraged. I have also had the opportunity to observe firsthand the benefits to students who are taking advantage of the MoVIP program. I have seen every reason aforementioned for choosing virtual education and have witnessed pure emotional gratitude for what this program has meant to students, who often, have never been successful academically in any other setting. The virtual environment has allowed for movement away from the old model of teacher-directed learning to a learner-centered educational process that has empowered students to take charge and ownership of the learning at their own pace, on their own time.

The state of Missouri must continue its efforts to move past this one size fits all mentality in education and acknowledge the need for alternatives that technology has now been able to afford our children. In these tough economic times, many difficult choices will have to be made by leaders at the Capitol. Students, parents and educators all across this state hope that the Governor and the General Assembly will see how important this program is to our children. I hope they will find a way to preserve the funding and keep open the only meaningful educational opportunity that many Missouri children have. Online Virtual Education is not just a trend, it's the future of education and many states have invested in growing such programs. Do not allow the State of Missouri to be left behind. Do not deny an education that works for students who traditionally fall between the cracks.

As the decision stands, there will be no 2nd semester courses offered through the Missouri Virtual Education Program. What does this mean for me personally? I will join the ranks of the growing number of unemployed in the state of Missouri and across this nation as of January 1st unless enough voices are heard to make Governor Nixon have a change of heart, especially considering he has always claimed to "put the children of MO first". God has ALWAYS taken care of our family and fortunately, unlike many others facing unemployment, we are financially stable enough to live (although it will be tight) on one income for a while. It will come at a price, but not at one that comes close to measurnig to the loss faced by many Missouri kids.

We have a great administrative team and I am told that the MSTA (Missouri State Teachers Association) is currently working with staff in the governors office as well as the MSTA liaison to the budget staff working to communicate our concerns and the concerns of students and parents. While all those with a personal stake or a belief in the program are fighting this decision, I was reminded by a fellow colleague, "It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man" Psalm 118:8. If you are concerned about this issue, I ask you to pray for our family and all the families that have been affected by this decision.

Jay Nixon: or call: (573) 751-3222 and ask them to preserve the Missouri Virtual Instruction Program. Please also consider contacting your representatives. If you are unsure as to who your representatives are, please use the following link to look them up:

Follow-up comment received 10/31: Hi, I don't know if it is o.k. if I post on your site but I was searching Jay Nixon and MoVIP and your site came up. My daughter is in MoVIP. We are very upset by the recent developments. I honestly don't know whether to start this year over with homeschool or let her finish the semester. 4 out of her 5 classes are 2 semester classes so this really pulls the rug out from underneath us! I called the MoVIP and Nixon offices and got absolutely nowhere.The local news ran a story on our situation but I think the general public doesn't care. I hope that all of the MoVIP families are speaking up, teachers and students.

Follow-up: Student IM conversation from 11/2:

Student: I'm gonna miss your class next semester

Kazmaier: Awe...we are doing all we can to see that we can find a way to make MoVIP continue next semester. It breaks my heart.

Student: The Govenenor probably has some legitimate reason why he is doing this. I just wish I could have finished the year up instead of it getting cut in half.

Kazmaier: Exactly. I think that is what has stunned us all.

Student: It's ok! I just wanted you to know I would miss your class. I have enjoyed learning about the Government since I have never really learned anything about it and I am a junior now.

Kazmaier: You're too sweet. I love teaching it.

Student: Thanks again! If I ever become a politicain you will know why! =]

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Little Mommy

I love watching this little girl play.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Halloween Party-Montessori Style

Halloween Party pictures this morning at Nick and Jonathan's Montessori. They were super "esscited" (as Jonathan put it) to go to school in their costumes. Some of the littlest babies became a little hot and cranky in their costumes. Nick refused to put his on till he saw all his friends in theirs...but was ready to strip down fairly quickly.
(Jonathan is the black Power Ranger...and you guessed it...Nick was Thomas the Tank Engine.)

Wordless Wednesday

Monday, October 26, 2009


We had a family birthday this past Saturday (cousin Andy turned 5). It is always fun to have the cousin's get together as it seems everyone is always so busy. We are all looking forward to brother-in-law Jim and sister-in-law Tara coming for Thanksgiving this year. We are excited that in a few months, they will have their own little sweet baby boy (William "Will" Jason Kazmaier) to make for 10 cousins on the Kazmaier side. :-)

Happy Birthday Andy!

Aunt Glenda and Kate playing in the leaves. A GORGEOUS fall day!

Kate pretending she's cousin Audrey

I also took photos for a good friend of mine from clear back in Kindergarten. She really wanted a photo of their dog, Buddy and their daughter, Sydney. It was difficult, but not impossible! It was a BEAUTIFUL day at Antioch Park.
Sydney is who Jonathan swears he's going to marry! She's cute. I don't blame him.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Flashback Friday~Halloween

I forgot to write in there...they were our "great" grandparents.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Never a dull moment...

Evenings at the Kazmaier house.
The bedtime routine (if you call it that...we are working on it) is looooooong, sometimes frustrating, and often humorous.

Mom, "Boys, get your clothes's bathtime!"
Jonathan, "Hey look mom! It's funny isn't it?"
(' s really rather gross)
Half naked bed wrestling One down (skipped the bath), two to go.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Pumpkin Patch 2009

I am finally getting around to posting some pictures of our pumpkin patch journey this past weekend!

Thankfully we had Aunt KK (Katie) with us to help heard the flock.

We did not opt to go out on the tractors and pick our own....sadly, it was just too wet. This year's pumpkin crop is amazing though!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Another cold and damp afternoon...

I long for sunshine...and normal fall temperatures. Yesterday afternoon the kids helped destroy the kitchen by making Halloween cookies. Jonathan was my big helper...he loves to help me in the kitchen.

It also helped pass the time (Jason had late shift) and we all had something to spoil dinner with in the end!

Flashback Friday~Pumpkin Patch

Since we are planning (weather permitting) to go to the pumpkin patch this weekend, here are some photos from the last 3 years.
2007 (6 months pregnant with Kate)

2006 (7 months pregnant with Nick)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Healfy Teef

Both boys had their first visit to the pediatric denist
No cavities, no tears, no whining...complete cooperation!
Of course, a balloon and token for the prize machine was encouragement
enough to see that they were completely focused on then end goal.

Seriously Mom?

Thanks Aunt KK...your purchase has provided 2 kids worth of laughter at the expense of your nephews! :)Nick and Jonathan two years ago.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Halloween Painting

It's been cold out, so mamma had to think of something to do inside (really, the kids would be fine outside...I just personally don't prefer to go out in the cold myself...everyday). So we all painted baby pumpkins and the boys painted "spooky pictures".

Monday, October 12, 2009

Attack on cousin Sophie

Nick and Kate love their new baby cousin Sophie. Kate especially loves this life-size doll baby. Poor Sophie was ready to escape her recent visit after being pummeled with kisses by Nick and repeated attempts by Kate to jam her paci in her mouth.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


For the last month, our Friday evenings have consisted of attending a Life Group through our church. Our Life Group is a smaller group of people within our church who meet regularly to establish a sense of community to live out the reality of the Christian...ours happens to focus on marriage. Those newly married. We had to laugh when we were invited to join this particular group, not because of the "newly married" label, but the fact that the other label, "under 35 years of age", made Jason wonder if we were going to get the boot when he turned 35 last month. :-)

We have enjoyed getting to know couples at all stages of marriage, and have enjoyed going through the book and devotions as a couple together. We're even still learning a little about each other and what makes our marriage tick...(even after 18 years together and 10 years of marriage) because 10 years certainly doesn't make one an expert on marriage and no marriage couldn't use a little renewal & redirection from time to time?

Friday, October 9, 2009

Flashback Friday

I've been going through my sisters wedding pictures as I'm in the process of creating her custom wedding album for her. I've been having a ton of fun with this! Still can't believe my sister is a married woman!

This flashback isn't from long ago...but Jason said I had to post the following pictures of his two favorite girls:


Not so cute: (she wanted to eat them)

Thursday, October 8, 2009


I used these: To make this:
while Kate

ate this:

So, as you can see, I made good on my intention to make a pie with the orchard apples we picked last weekend. This was the first one I've made from scratch (no pre-made filling or crust). It ain't pretty, but according to Jason, it was good! (Of course he ate a pumpkin pie made by someone who inadvertently left out the sugar and claimed that was good)
I'll take what I can get.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Training Partner(s)

Blaze and Marie's daughter, Emily

Since one training partner (Marie) is pregnant (although she still runs about 2-3 miles every morning....tough lady at 20 weeks!) and another is still recovering from a stress fracture, I often find myself running most of the route by myself after they turn around and head back toward the neighborhood. Since it's 5am, dark and the path is quite desolate at that time of day, I take Marie's dog, Blaze, with me. He's a fabulous running dog! It's a false sense of security I see, Blaze is probably the friendliest dog I know. He gives me lots breaks as he marks his territory & alerts me to all the nocturnal creatures (yes, we've seen deer, a family of racoons, a even a fox on our morning journeys). This morning was a different story. It was raining (misty, really) and Blaze refused to run in it. Guess he has his standards. So I returned him after a mile and went out for the rest of my run. I don't mind the rain so much...and thankfully, it wasn't too cold either.

A couple of weeks ago I sent a link to Jason through IM saying, "I want this for Christmas..HAHA" knowing he would probably ignore me. He surprised me by replying by saying, "get it now if you want to". (He is quick to indulge!) I don't spend money on my neighborhood ladies laugh as we run in our tattered decade old hoodies, tights with holes in them, and other mismatched meyham! It's dark...we don't care. This purchase was different. I haven't worn a watch running in a long time. I've been just run. I haven't cared to time myself, keep track of pace, etc. (Aside from the fact I lost my watch and never really replaced it) But I work at home...feet from my kitchen. I like to eat. I'd rather run eat more. So in an effort to step it up a bit, the GPS watches peaked my this has become my second new training partner. It tells me when I hit each mile, mile pace, overall pace and synchs to the computer, facebook, & this blog. Talk about accountability! So in these long winter months ahead...when I really don't want to crawl out of my warm bed to bundle up and brace for the frigid temps, I hope my new partner(s) will motivate me.
That and all the Holiday goodness I don't have the will-power to avoid!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Apple Pickin'

Upon the advice of neighbors, we ventured to Alldredge Orchards. It was a perfect fall day, albeit, a little chilly in the upper 50's. The kids had a great time chasing the chickens and baby kittens free to roam the orchard. We saw a pony & some goats (kids) too! (again, Kate calls anything with four legs a puppy as she squeals in delight). The boys climbed hay bails and peddled the carts countless times around the makeshift dirt track (this was Nick's favorite part of the trip). We picked our apples, bought some mum's and headed home all tuckered out! I think I might try my hand at making a pie...