Friday, July 31, 2009

Katie's Wedding

I can't believe my big sister is finally getting married this weekend...after nearly 10 years of dating Mark. I could go on and on about how much my sister means to me, but I would be giving away most of my reception toast if I I'll keep it simple and say that everyone shoud want to be more like Katie. She's one of the most amazing people I know and I'm proud to call her my sister!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Dusk till Dawn-July 25th

A a sea of runners departing at see just the blinking lights mounted to hydration packs bouncing along. You are excited about the adventure of running in the dark among thick trees, rocks and mud... with just a headlamp lighting your way. Even racing your bike down gravel roads with the cool night air whizzing in your ear and seeing stars shine so brightly in a way you could never see in an urban area. You watch fog roll in and create a mysterious glow around your headlamp and bike headlight...and you think to yourself...does it get any better than this?


So to back up from the beginning: The race began at 9pm (well, we actually were allowed to take off a little closer to 8:45) at dusk. It started with a run on the road, followed by some single-track trail running to find checkpoints...followed by a ridiculous amount of biking to find more checkpoints...hours and hours and hours of biking...due mostly to MAJOR wrong turns & missed turns and serious extra mileage. Trekking came next....hours of find more checkpoints, followed by paddling...another couple of hours (by this time the sun was up)....followed by more biking, more biking and.............................................................................. more biking.

I don't like biking.

In fact, I have such a disdain for biking, that I think I may place my bike on craigslist for it will always remind me of the HOURS of torture endured as a result of this race. So after an estimated 80 miles total.... 50+ of it biking alone...we finished after twelve noon Sunday. I don't believe I have ever fallen asleep sitting up....but I did several times...sitting on a rock in the middle of the woods...sitting on a log next to the bank of Perry Lake....sitting on Perry Lake in a canoe.

I threw a major emotionally charged, sleep deprived, exhausted tantrum toward the end when we again, missed a major turn & claimed definitively that I would NEVER get myself in to this type of racing again. I love adventure racing, but this one was a bit too extreme for my taste!!!
Maybe I should just stick with the simplicity of running.
At least you get directions.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Little of this and a little of that....

.......from this week and last!

It is sad to think summer is winding down so quickly. Only 2 1/2 weeks until I head off to the University of Missouri for three days in preparation for my new job. Although exhausting at times, I have LOVED spending so much time with my kids


Saturday, July 18, 2009

Worlds of Fun

We had a fairly busy week this week finding things to do to keep the kids busy...especially given this awesome and unseasonable July weather. Tuesday I took the kids to Fun Run, an indoor inflatable park. Friday I took the kids to the zoo with neighbors (also my running partners) and their kids...we survived four hours. On a whim, we took the kids to Worlds of Fun late Saturday afternoon (we kept promising Jonathan since late winter that we would go when there were leaves on the trees..............& unfortunately he forgets nothing) We wanted to take advantage of the cool did everyone else IN THE ENTIRE MIDWEST...or so it seemed. The kids has a great time. Our BRAVE Jonathan kept asking to go on the big coasters (and daddy would have obliged had Jonathan met the height requirement, but NOT mommy). We did put him on a few bigger rides that would allow for his size with an accompanying adult. Another good memory from our own childhoods...who knew we'd live so close to World's of Fun as's literally 5 minutes from our house.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Dusk to Dawn-July 25th

As if adventure racing in general wasn't crazy enough in daylight, next weekend the Dusk to Dawn (beginning at 9pm) race at Lake Perry outside of Lawrence brings on a new challenge: DARKNESS....and lots of NOCTURNAL creatures. When the gear lists items such as:

Headlamp with extra batteries (I bought the most powerful one I could!)
White or Red Blinking Light to attach to pack
Lighter/waterproof matches
Emergency blanket
Glowsticks (1 attached to racer's PFD and 1 attached to boat while paddling at night)
Minimum of 25 iodine tablets, or water purification system
Fully charged cell phone in waterproof container
Waterproof map case
Tool for plotting UTM coordinates (1:24000 scale)
Compass (1 for every 2 racers)
First Aid Kit
Strobe Light(s) (1 for every 2 racers required)
2 Handheld Aerial Signal Flares OR 1 Flare Gun with minimum of 2 flares (Flares must be aerial)

One should be very afraid. I am.....not so much for the creepy critters of the night (although that is a serious concern of mine), but for the vain and selfish reason related to the fact the race is a week before my sisters wedding...and since I am Matron of Honor...and since I don't want a repeat of the cat scratch look in my pretty black strapless satin dress, I promised myself, that no matter how hot and humid the weather, I will keep my North Face no rip PANTS on with tall, thick SmartWool socks to pad my already scarred legs. No messing around this time.

Pray for me.

Flashback Friday-Prom

LOL! Prom 1993. Jason is a senior and I, a junior.

I have to laugh when I think back to prom taking place in a gym with a parachute above us! The prom's I have since chaperoned have been at elaborate places like hotels and meeting halls, including Union Station. In fact, when in New York, the private boarding school I coached for (The Stony Brook School) had theirs at Windows on the World atop the World Trade Center.

I am blessed my memories and experiences with Jason go this far back! We look soooooooooo young!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Happy 4th Birthday Jonathan!


I can't believe you are four! Amazing how time are still my baby in so many ways. I love how you think it's funny to wipe my kisses off, yet you still ask for them. I love how you still want to cuddle and snuggle. I love our "I love you(r)..." game. I love hearing you tip toe into your mommy & daddy's room in the middle of the night and crawl in bed and lay as close to us as you can get. I love how you ask a million questions as you try to figure out this world around you, even though it can get irritating at times. I love your sense of humor...your silly faces & your silly noises, your silly laugh & your adorable smile.

We love you.

Happy Birthday big guy!

Friday, July 10, 2009


I've been meaning to get "wall worthy" portraits of my kids for a long time. I would love to have them all together (and all five of us for that matter), but it stresses me out every time I try getting them to cooperate for just one decent shot! I'll try again soon though. Our current family photo is missing Kate (well, she's in my tummy, but that doesn't count!) ;-)

Flashback Friday-Graduation

Unversity of Kansas in 1998
Bachelor of Science-Education (Social Studies)

MidAmerican Nazarene University (College at the time) in 1997
Bachelor of Arts-Religion

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Choo Choo

Nick LOVES trains. He seems knows everyone & everything there is to know about Thomas and Friends and gets so incredibly excited to play with trains. Gaga (grandma) bought him a new battery operated Thomas train with some tracks this past weekend and he has literally played with it for hours...and has become very territorial. Kate likes to taunt Nick over and over by grabbing and running as fast as her little feet will carry her with them (and you can imagine my job as referee peeling a 2 1/2 year old off of a 1 1/2 year old) Jonathan has never had an obsession with one particular thing like Nick seems to have for his trains...

Meet Sophie Lucille!

Meet my newest neice...this makes for neice #4 for Jason and I, but the first on my side of the family. She made her debut 10 days after her due date, July 6th, 2009. Weighing in at 8lbs 9oz and measuring 22 inches long. She's beautiful!
Welcome to the world little Sophie!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Independence Day-Hometown Style!

Jason and I are fortunate we grew up in the same small town that we are close enough to visit. For us, going "home" has always had two meanings: our current residence in Liberty, Missouri and our hometown in Clinton, Missouri. We are very blessed to come from a town that is a community of people who wear pride on their sleeves. Clinton has always displayed that small town community spirit especially evident through their Old Glory Day's Celebration. The town square comes alive with a parade, concerts, a carnival and a myriad of other festivities in celebration of Independence Day...aimed at honoring the men and women who have served the country bravely, some even giving their lives, in the name of freedom.

It was a heartwarming experience watching my children enjoy the parade...the essence of small town life. Jason and I both remember sitting on the curb of the square as children watching similar parades. With young and old, dogs and horses, tractors, floats, fire engines, flag waving pride and, of course, patriotism (although my children are really only in it for the candy). It is amazing to run into old teachers, coaches, and friends...and often pick up right where you left off.
There's just something special about small town life in such a festive setting and, despite living in a suburb of Kansas City, Clinton will always be "home".

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Flashback Friday-Senior Pictures

Flashback Friday a day early as Jason and I are headed to our hometown of Clinton Missouri this afternoon...where we graduated in 1993 & 1994 respectively. Jonathan is sitting here with me as I post this blog and he said, "Wow, that's daddy when he was little." I think my dress has shoulder pads...wait long enough and style comes full circle.